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#Testing The separation of code in this package between Application, Domain and Infrastructure make it easy to (unit) test how your app works with it. When you want to test the integration of your app with this Explorer, it can help you with mocking the raw responses Elasticsearch may give. It does not fully test the integration with Elasticsearch, but it does allow testing without having a live Elasticsearch instance. The responses that the Elasticsearch client returns are replaced with fake responses at a low level, meaning that the rest of the application does not need to work with mocks.

Here is an example of a Laravel feature test:



namespace Tests\Feature\Api;

use JeroenG\Explorer\Infrastructure\Elastic\FakeResponse;
use Tests\TestCase;

class SearchControllerTest extends TestCase
    public function test_it_returns_results(): void
        $fakeResponseFile = fopen(base_path("tests/Support/Elastic/Responses/example.json"), 'rb');
        $fakeResponse = new FakeResponse($statusCode, $fakeResponseFile);
        // see for more information
        $this->instance(ElasticClientFactory::class, ElasticClientFactory::fake($fakeResponse));

        $response = $this->post('api/search');


You can see an example of a raw Elastic response in the tests/Support folder of Explorer.